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Main » 2012»January»27 » Third Tutorial : Hacking WPA 2 Key – Evil Twin (No Bruteforce)
10:51 PM
Third Tutorial : Hacking WPA 2 Key – Evil Twin (No Bruteforce)
Hacking WPA 2 Key – Evil Twin (No Bruteforce)
In an ealier post, we’ve seen how to crack WPA-2 network keys using a dictionary.
While that technique works, it could take an awful long time, especially when brute forcing.
On this technique, named ‘Evil Twin’, we take a different perspective to the attack. Using a powerful long range wireless card (Alfa AWUS036NH), we clone the target network to confuse our victim. Then, we deauthenticate the victim from his own wireless network and wait until he connects to our access point – which looks exactly like his.
When the victim connects, he is redirected to a service page asking for the WPA-2 key in order to access the internet. As soon as we get the key, you can either allow the victim to use the network (maybe improvise some password sniffing?) or just bring it down manually.
For this example I created a service page based on Verizon ISP. The files are placed at the default location (/var/www/). I created a database called ‘wpa2′, which can be done with the following commands:
thank you very much for this great work, it is very well explained, I followed with a letter and I could make progress but incomplete because I have not been able to do the redirection to my websites fake html page only if I type in address bar I get my fake html page.
and often I find difficult to connect to my network false??
for information, I has a 3g usb stick with a flow rate of 236kbits with I logged on backtrack. and wireless card alfa AWUS036H with I crack.
please clarify me how to get the wrong html page and will forward all websites.