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"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six of them sharpening my axe.”
-Abraham Lincoln
This saying has followed me for many years, and is a constant reminder
to me that approaching a problem with the right set of tools is
imperative for success. So what does this semi philosophical opening
have to do with the Metasploit Framework? Before approaching a
penetration test or an audit, I take care to "sharpen my tools” and
update anything updatable in BackTrack. This includes a short chain
reaction, which always starts with a prompt "msfupdate” of the
Metasploit framework.
I consider the MSF to be one of the single most useful auditing tools
freely available to security professionals today. From a wide array of
commercial grade exploits and an extensive exploit development
environment, all the way to network information gathering tools and web
vulnerability plugins. The Metasploit Framework provides a truly
impressive work environment. The MSF is far more than just a collection
of exploits, it's an infrastructure that you can build upon and utilize
for your custom needs. This allows you to concentrate on your unique
environment, and not have to reinvent the wheel.
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